Go further working as a team!
Ever wonder why the family, in any form, is the origin for every human being?
That’s because that small version of us pooling our resources to be greater together than we are individually is a key to humanities success and growth as a species.
So, why is it so lost on everyone today? We are bombarded by messaging that encourages us to be out for #1, to be instantly gratified through sitcoms or movies or video games. Those interactions are very self-centered. But there is a silver lining. Recently there has been a movement to social gaming experiences, were humans participate in global games over internet connections and in many cases, those experiences are bringing back a lost piece of the social experience.
Professional athletes of all sports, are likewise rewarded for their personal achievements and considered role models by millions across the world. Their agents negotiate new contracts and salaries based on their previous performance and many times we hear about a player getting a max salary deal or offer, an MVP award, a hall of fame induction or some other measure of recognition for personal merits.
We are also inundated with reality TV shows and game shows where one’s performance can have a life-changing effect.
However, we are too quick to discount the value of the team. The other humans, the other bodies that fill up the field. The other people that the star builds synergy with, that the champion competes against, who, without, would not have achieved the same level of success on the stage or field.
Think about that, no matter what level of personal achievement you have attained in your sport of choice, you did so with the sacrifices of others. Sometimes they carry you and sometimes you carry them.
That’s all part of a winning formula. No human can be the best at everything. Often times, this recipe dilutes our value. We are built to be specialists. To be honed at one craft, one sport, one calling. Sure, we can have other interests and can be good at other things, but we can usually only be truly great at one or two of those.
Learn to rely on the value of other’s input, whether direct or indirect, we are often too quick to overlook their contributions and leave them out when it comes to sharing the limelight.
Put other humans first and you will unlock the true value of teamwork.